"Today You are You, That is truer than true. There is no alive who is Youer than you." - Dr. Suess

Sunday, February 12, 2012

On the 13th day of February my true love gave to me.....a pink cupcake boquet!

Ok...so I know I don't normally venture to far away from paper crafting but this I just HAD to share! 

This is a special valentine that my little one and I made for his  Pre School Teacher!
And I think it turned out just as sweet as she is!

If you want to do this you still have time!  We started out with a small clay flower pot that my son and I painted together!  Great Family Time!  We knew we needed treats for his class anyway so we decided to double up on cupcake duty............so we made cupcakes and Buttercream frosting and used a star tip to frost the little sweeties ;)

We used flower arrangement styrofoam inside the pot and with skewers attached our cupcakes to our arrangement and then added flowers throughout to fill in the space!

Top this off with a nice pink ribbon and you have one SWEET boquet!

Here is a photo of our completely finished goodie tray of valentines gifts for his class party!  Hope everyone likes them tomorrow! and I hope you liked them too!


1 comment:

  1. YUM!! Flowers AND cupcakes?!! How much better can you get than that?!!!
