"Today You are You, That is truer than true. There is no alive who is Youer than you." - Dr. Suess

Saturday, February 18, 2012

I'm Sorry

Just a quick note to let all of you wonderful friends know that I am sorry for not posting a project a day as pr0omised..............................We have had a death in the family and so my plan has been derailed..................I am very sorry as I know some of you were anxious for this event...............

As soon as I get through this I will make it up to you :)

Also to anyone who has a prize or goodies coming to them..............I have not forgotten any of you things have just been crazy around here as you can imagine...................once everything gets back to normal (as much as it can when you lose someone) then I will be  getting all gifts in the mail..........if you have not yet recieved yours it is coming :)

Sorry Again.........................................XOXO


  1. I am sorry for your loss, and I understand, I have had several losses in the last 4 months. Take care.
    p.s, I received your email too:)

  2. So sorry to hear about your loss. Don't worry about your project a day....we enjoyed the ones you did post and you're still ahead of me by about 5 projects, LOL!
