"Today You are You, That is truer than true. There is no alive who is Youer than you." - Dr. Suess

Saturday, February 11, 2012

The 12th day of February my true love gave to me.........another day of blog hopping!

Welcome my friends to the Red, Black, Pink, and White Delight Blog Hop....what great colors to work with and to design a Valentine's Day card or layout for a loved one, a friend, child, or just because!!! What this hop will help you with today is showcasing these colors and what can be made to help give you inspiration...!!!!!

If you just happened to be visiting me today, I'm glad that you are visiting but I wouldn't want you to miss one single stop along the way with our hop and would love for you to begin at the beginning which would be Lisa at http://handmadewithlove-lisa.blogspot.com/. If you arrived from http://scrappinginheels.blogspot.com/ then you are on the right path along our splash of color.

As promised another day! Another Creation! So today my little one and I worked the day away on these cute little valentine gifts for his class!  There are Pink ones for the Girls and Blue for the Boys.............And I made these using the sweetheart retired paper and  the Awesome New SuperHero Paper from close to my heart!  If you havn't seen it yet you have got to check it out!  It is the Most Fun!

Now if you have a fun Valentine's Party coming up and you want to make these little cuties this will be the most simple you've made!  I googled my sentiment that I wanted to say to get some ideas and found this on free printables!  Well it was already a card and you just had to print but of course that just would be to easy! And that won't do! LOL

So I printed it off and cut it out in the design I wanted and then attached it to my coordinating Paper I wanted to use........and trimmed those pieces to about a 4x4..............I Bagged up my s'more goodies.........one white and one pink heart marshmallow for everyone! And then I stapled My card with instructions to my baggie of yummo! and ;there you have it!  The gift of S'mores!  Love them!

Hope you liked it and and make sure you come back tomorrow!  I have an awesome project you won't want to miss!  So see you then!



  1. I just love this idea you did a great job. Thank you.

  2. What a great idea for children's valentines. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Love these cute little smores treat bags! Thanks for sharing on the hop...
    jejaeb at cfl dot rr dot com
