Do you LOVE leapfrog?
If you have gotten into leapfrog (which I love by the way) then you have very possible come in contact with their amazing LEAP PAD......we have one and let me tell you....this is the only Electronic toy that you need so save your money on all of the the other stuff! This toy does it ALL! From photos and videos, to an mp3 player and art studio.......and the games of course, ALL EDUCATIONAL! Whats not to love right?
Well if you have one of these then you are all to familiar with Learning Path right? And if you don't have one.....well you better get one because you are missing out!
Ok......back to Learning Path...... I have recently discovered that Leap Frog also makes a Learning Path app for Iphones.......This is a must!
Your app has age appropriate learning fun things to do with your kids weekly....EVERY WEEK a new learning path! This week there were printable valentines to make, valentine songs, helpful hints and loads of valentine activities to do with you child! All geared toward your specified age group from Pre School to Third Grade! I can't wait to see what next week brings!
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Monday, February 10, 2014
You Stay at home and do NOTHING?!?
I am a mother and a housewife.....a stay at home mommy
Whew.......the first few months of this new adventure was exciting AND scary all at the same time......and I had to tell my self this often....very often for it to really resonate. I am a stay at home mommy......I am a house wife......I stay at home.....My job is now to stay home and take care of my family......MY JOB IS NOW TO TAKE CARE OF MY FAMILY WITH 100% FOCUS INSTEAD OF 25%!
How many of you are now beginning this exciting adventure? Well it is going on 2 years for me and I will tell you sometimes I still feel guilty.......and a bit embarrassed when I get that wonderful question that we all love......"What do you do?"
I was at a function the other day when someone asked me why I was so quiet.....well let me tell you, :) between you and I -- I had had quite a day......but I usually don't get into all of that in conversation because good bad or indifferent, this is my life and I have no complaints! I am blessed to get to stay home and so no way am I going to complain about MY day.......anyway I made the mistake of telling her I was a bit tired and here it was......."FROM WHAT? DOING NOTHING ALL DAY?" Now I know this is the farthest thing from the truth yet....I still never have a response. And it gets better........then a child near her joins in and says "Where do you work" I stay home..... "Oh so you don't have to work then?" and bless his little Kindergartener chimes in and says...My Daddy works so that she can stay home with me.
Ok but back the the snippy person.......even now...I know what I should say but at those moments I always feel the way that those statements are intended to make us feel..............My husband says it best though....."When you are working outside of the home you are working 2 jobs" that is what make us feel appreciated so why do we care what the outside world believes? Then Yesterday I found this article circulating around facebook and it is a very good read that sums it all up perfectly! You're a Stay at home mom, What do you do all day?
Here is what I ACTUALLY Do all day (and what I should say to the next person to insinuate that i do nothing all day because I don't work outside of the home :) And I am quite sure most of you can relate......and its a job we should all be proud of!
I'm a wife, I'm a mother, I'm a friend, I'm a referee, I'm a Chef, I'm a Maid, I'm a taxi driver, I'm a crafter, I'm an accountant, I'm a nurse, I'm a doctor, I'm a mechanic, I'm a fixer of things, I'm an organizing specialist, I'm a secretary, I'm a personal shopper, I'm a tutor, I'm a teacher, I'm a playdate, I'm delivery service, I'm a laundromat, I'm a dishwasher, I'm a party planner, I'm ....... a stay at home mommy and a housewife and that means I take no breaks....I get no vacation....I get no days of.......and I am on call 24 hours a day :) what do YOU do all day?
Whew.......the first few months of this new adventure was exciting AND scary all at the same time......and I had to tell my self this often....very often for it to really resonate. I am a stay at home mommy......I am a house wife......I stay at home.....My job is now to stay home and take care of my family......MY JOB IS NOW TO TAKE CARE OF MY FAMILY WITH 100% FOCUS INSTEAD OF 25%!
How many of you are now beginning this exciting adventure? Well it is going on 2 years for me and I will tell you sometimes I still feel guilty.......and a bit embarrassed when I get that wonderful question that we all love......"What do you do?"
I was at a function the other day when someone asked me why I was so quiet.....well let me tell you, :) between you and I -- I had had quite a day......but I usually don't get into all of that in conversation because good bad or indifferent, this is my life and I have no complaints! I am blessed to get to stay home and so no way am I going to complain about MY day.......anyway I made the mistake of telling her I was a bit tired and here it was......."FROM WHAT? DOING NOTHING ALL DAY?" Now I know this is the farthest thing from the truth yet....I still never have a response. And it gets better........then a child near her joins in and says "Where do you work" I stay home..... "Oh so you don't have to work then?" and bless his little Kindergartener chimes in and says...My Daddy works so that she can stay home with me.
Ok but back the the snippy person.......even now...I know what I should say but at those moments I always feel the way that those statements are intended to make us feel..............My husband says it best though....."When you are working outside of the home you are working 2 jobs" that is what make us feel appreciated so why do we care what the outside world believes? Then Yesterday I found this article circulating around facebook and it is a very good read that sums it all up perfectly! You're a Stay at home mom, What do you do all day?
Here is what I ACTUALLY Do all day (and what I should say to the next person to insinuate that i do nothing all day because I don't work outside of the home :) And I am quite sure most of you can relate......and its a job we should all be proud of!
I'm a wife, I'm a mother, I'm a friend, I'm a referee, I'm a Chef, I'm a Maid, I'm a taxi driver, I'm a crafter, I'm an accountant, I'm a nurse, I'm a doctor, I'm a mechanic, I'm a fixer of things, I'm an organizing specialist, I'm a secretary, I'm a personal shopper, I'm a tutor, I'm a teacher, I'm a playdate, I'm delivery service, I'm a laundromat, I'm a dishwasher, I'm a party planner, I'm ....... a stay at home mommy and a housewife and that means I take no breaks....I get no vacation....I get no days of.......and I am on call 24 hours a day :) what do YOU do all day?
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
A new face for the little scrap corner!
Hi friends!
I know it's been a while, but after some careful reflection I had come to a crossroads when It came to my love for my close to my heart product's and for scrapbooking. I hated to think of what life would be like without scrapbooking as it was such an intricate part of who I had become as a person, that being said I felt it was maybe time to revamp a little bit.
For those of you who have been scrapbooking for as long as I have you probably have those scrapbooks that you did in your early days, you know the ones, you open them up you're starting to enjoy your old memories and whama Bama pieces start falling off! You feel the need to go back and try to reattach the pieces where they were if you can even remember you start searching for much-needed new kinds of adhesives only to find out that books with other kinds of adhesives also fall apart.
Now we enter the digital era. How incredibly easy is this! This my friends is what brings me to my crossroads. I have trouble seeing how I can effectively print off all of my photographs put them in these books that were not holding together when I cood be doing more digitally and for this I have to admit I strayed away from close to my heart which is my favorite of all time and found Shutterfly! So what do I do. Well, I start saving my memories digitally of course.
And what do I do now? What do I share with all of you? Now don't get me wrong I still have my scraps and I still love them but, as a stay-at-home mom of two years now I have found that there are so many things I come across in a day that I could be sharing with you that are so much more helpful then just how to make a card.
So, there is folks! You're still going to get all of the scraps from my heart, but now you're going to get some scraps from the rest of my life as well and I hope you find them as helpful as I found so many of you!
XOXO the little scrap corner
little scrap corner,
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Valentines Day -- After the Madness :)
After the
After the Madness...LOL....
After the Madness I feel like a little bitty rag least that is what we joke about at our house! I always have the GREAT expectation EVERY SINGLE YEAR (with out fail might I add ;) ) That this year I am going to get it together :) And WITH OUT FAIL every single year I am optimistic like that right up until February......and then somehow between the short month and Valentines preparation for school....I lose my grip, my time, and my sanity and the next thing I know I wake up in the middle of a store at midnight on Black Friday tired, confused, and unprepared for the end of the year.............LOL Don't laugh, this is a true story :)
So as a result of the Madness I spent all month preparing our goodies for V day and it is only now AFTER the fact when people don't really care about it anymore lol that I have time to share :) So Although the month is now gone, maybe it will help you start planning for next because it will be here before you can say Black Friday!
The Mail Box
Ok so let us start with the all important Valentine Mailbox...........I was sick the entire first week of the month which given my track record ....I really didn't have time for problem though because they make their mailboxes in school anyway right? WRONG....I learn "the week of" I might add that this year we are doing them at home............ok sick mama, let's get it together.
My 5 year old has quite an imagination and requested THE BIG BLUE MAILBOX IN FRONT OF THE PO...... I'm sick and no one has been to the store...the only box we have is a 30 pack mountain dew case....he has 8 people in his So we set out to make the Empire State Building of Valentine Mailboxes :)
And I have to add that with out the help of my hubby....this would not have been possible.
The Teachers Gift
Every time we have a reason we also make a little teachers appreciation gift so for this day we did "We need S'more teachers like you" You can find free templates like this one here..... FREE PRINTABLE
The Valentines them Selves :)
We got this idea from some that we had seen on Pinterest.....Love that place don't you? So we took the idea and tweaked it to make our own.........."I'm Wheely glad we're friends.......This one is hand crafted no printable sorry :) Add your favorite cars and candy and voila!
Of course you already have your creative groove on after you have done all this so why not add a RAK? This one was simple....candy and a bow :) We delivered these to all the ladies at our bank :) It's most fun anonymously but...we got
After the Madness...LOL....
After the Madness I feel like a little bitty rag least that is what we joke about at our house! I always have the GREAT expectation EVERY SINGLE YEAR (with out fail might I add ;) ) That this year I am going to get it together :) And WITH OUT FAIL every single year I am optimistic like that right up until February......and then somehow between the short month and Valentines preparation for school....I lose my grip, my time, and my sanity and the next thing I know I wake up in the middle of a store at midnight on Black Friday tired, confused, and unprepared for the end of the year.............LOL Don't laugh, this is a true story :)
So as a result of the Madness I spent all month preparing our goodies for V day and it is only now AFTER the fact when people don't really care about it anymore lol that I have time to share :) So Although the month is now gone, maybe it will help you start planning for next because it will be here before you can say Black Friday!
The Mail Box
Ok so let us start with the all important Valentine Mailbox...........I was sick the entire first week of the month which given my track record ....I really didn't have time for problem though because they make their mailboxes in school anyway right? WRONG....I learn "the week of" I might add that this year we are doing them at home............ok sick mama, let's get it together.
My 5 year old has quite an imagination and requested THE BIG BLUE MAILBOX IN FRONT OF THE PO...... I'm sick and no one has been to the store...the only box we have is a 30 pack mountain dew case....he has 8 people in his So we set out to make the Empire State Building of Valentine Mailboxes :)
And I have to add that with out the help of my hubby....this would not have been possible.
The Teachers Gift
Every time we have a reason we also make a little teachers appreciation gift so for this day we did "We need S'more teachers like you" You can find free templates like this one here..... FREE PRINTABLE
The Valentines them Selves :)
We got this idea from some that we had seen on Pinterest.....Love that place don't you? So we took the idea and tweaked it to make our own.........."I'm Wheely glad we're friends.......This one is hand crafted no printable sorry :) Add your favorite cars and candy and voila!
Of course you already have your creative groove on after you have done all this so why not add a RAK? This one was simple....candy and a bow :) We delivered these to all the ladies at our bank :) It's most fun anonymously but...we got
So that is what we've been doing in the studio here all February :) I hope you have found some inspiration for next year and maybe even a couple of ideas you can use for other holidays :) And I hope we all manage to slow down the rest of the year a bit :)
Happy Valentines Day Friends! XOXO
Sunday, January 20, 2013
The Month of Love
As Valentine's fast approaches you can see all of the signs of love :) all around you :) Pinterest, Facebook, blogs, and here is no different :).
At our house we have school parties coming up and I just love those :)
Well this year at our pre school party I am in charge of games :) and after looking at lots of games I decided to make the matching game " you have a piece of my heart". Super easy! Choose red or pink paper and make enough hearts for your class that everyone will get half :). Then you will cut each heart to make it look broken. At the party each student gets one half and they have to find the person who has the other half :) and of course everyone wins ;). Happy Scrappy Valentines!!!
At our house we have school parties coming up and I just love those :)
Well this year at our pre school party I am in charge of games :) and after looking at lots of games I decided to make the matching game " you have a piece of my heart". Super easy! Choose red or pink paper and make enough hearts for your class that everyone will get half :). Then you will cut each heart to make it look broken. At the party each student gets one half and they have to find the person who has the other half :) and of course everyone wins ;). Happy Scrappy Valentines!!!
school party,
valentine game,
valentine party,
Valentines day
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Emily's Surprise Birthday Blog Hop!
Welcome to Emily's Surprise Birthday Blog Hop
Hi everyone!! Thank you for joining us today as we celebrate Emily's 13th Birthday! Shh, don't tell anyone as it's a surprise!! We are so blessed that you've joined us today to celebrate the life of a sweet, talented young lady.
If you joined us from Miranda at then you are in the right place. If not, please go back to Beth's blog so you don't miss out on the wonderful projects that we have for you today.
For My Project for Emily I have made her a journal for all of her secrets!! :) This journal is not the exact one she will be getting but it is just like it :) The only difference is that hers will have an E on the cover :) I used some paper scraps from various retired lines and also My new Fave....the Kraft color ready borders that are on clearance right now for 2.50!! You can get these here While Supplies Last!!
Of Course I have some blog candy for all of you! A surprise CTMH mystery box! All you have to do to enter to win is become a follower here, and a fan of my facebook page, and wish Emily a Super Happy Birthday!!!!
Participant Blog Line up:
1. Beth ~
2. Shawnee ~
3. Rachelle ~
4. Lucy ~
5. Christine ~
6.Miranda ~
7. Mickie ~
8 Ellen~
9. Connie~
10. Suzanne -
11. Ashley~
12. Janis ~
13. Amanda~
14. Lori ~
15.Anita ~
16. Jennifer~
Hi everyone!! Thank you for joining us today as we celebrate Emily's 13th Birthday! Shh, don't tell anyone as it's a surprise!! We are so blessed that you've joined us today to celebrate the life of a sweet, talented young lady.
If you joined us from Miranda at then you are in the right place. If not, please go back to Beth's blog so you don't miss out on the wonderful projects that we have for you today.
For My Project for Emily I have made her a journal for all of her secrets!! :) This journal is not the exact one she will be getting but it is just like it :) The only difference is that hers will have an E on the cover :) I used some paper scraps from various retired lines and also My new Fave....the Kraft color ready borders that are on clearance right now for 2.50!! You can get these here While Supplies Last!!
Of Course I have some blog candy for all of you! A surprise CTMH mystery box! All you have to do to enter to win is become a follower here, and a fan of my facebook page, and wish Emily a Super Happy Birthday!!!!
Participant Blog Line up:
1. Beth ~ http://
2. Shawnee ~ http://
3. Rachelle ~http://
4. Lucy ~
5. Christine ~ http://
6.Miranda ~
7. Mickie ~ www.littlescrapcorner.blogspot
8 Ellen~ http://
9. Connie~ http://
10. Suzanne - http://
11. Ashley~ http://
12. Janis ~ http://
13. Amanda~ http://
14. Lori ~ http://
15.Anita ~http://
16. Jennifer~http://
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Re - Vamping with Over Stamping!
Just How Brave Are You?
It is so tempting when putting together your projects to stay inside that little creative box that we build for ourselves, isn't it? Well today I want to challenge you to BREAK OUT! Re -Vamp and Over Stamp! Here is an awesome video full of inspiration to do just that! You can create so many awesome looks with just a little extra stamping here and there! I challenge all of you! Give it a watch, and then give it a Try!
It is so tempting when putting together your projects to stay inside that little creative box that we build for ourselves, isn't it? Well today I want to challenge you to BREAK OUT! Re -Vamp and Over Stamp! Here is an awesome video full of inspiration to do just that! You can create so many awesome looks with just a little extra stamping here and there! I challenge all of you! Give it a watch, and then give it a Try!
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