"Today You are You, That is truer than true. There is no alive who is Youer than you." - Dr. Suess

Saturday, February 18, 2012

I'm Sorry

Just a quick note to let all of you wonderful friends know that I am sorry for not posting a project a day as pr0omised..............................We have had a death in the family and so my plan has been derailed..................I am very sorry as I know some of you were anxious for this event...............

As soon as I get through this I will make it up to you :)

Also to anyone who has a prize or goodies coming to them..............I have not forgotten any of you things have just been crazy around here as you can imagine...................once everything gets back to normal (as much as it can when you lose someone) then I will be  getting all gifts in the mail..........if you have not yet recieved yours it is coming :)

Sorry Again.........................................XOXO

Sunday, February 12, 2012

On the 13th day of February my true love gave to me.....a pink cupcake boquet!

Ok...so I know I don't normally venture to far away from paper crafting but this I just HAD to share! 

This is a special valentine that my little one and I made for his  Pre School Teacher!
And I think it turned out just as sweet as she is!

If you want to do this you still have time!  We started out with a small clay flower pot that my son and I painted together!  Great Family Time!  We knew we needed treats for his class anyway so we decided to double up on cupcake duty............so we made cupcakes and Buttercream frosting and used a star tip to frost the little sweeties ;)

We used flower arrangement styrofoam inside the pot and with skewers attached our cupcakes to our arrangement and then added flowers throughout to fill in the space!

Top this off with a nice pink ribbon and you have one SWEET boquet!

Here is a photo of our completely finished goodie tray of valentines gifts for his class party!  Hope everyone likes them tomorrow! and I hope you liked them too!


Saturday, February 11, 2012

The 12th day of February my true love gave to me.........another day of blog hopping!

Welcome my friends to the Red, Black, Pink, and White Delight Blog Hop....what great colors to work with and to design a Valentine's Day card or layout for a loved one, a friend, child, or just because!!! What this hop will help you with today is showcasing these colors and what can be made to help give you inspiration...!!!!!

If you just happened to be visiting me today, I'm glad that you are visiting but I wouldn't want you to miss one single stop along the way with our hop and would love for you to begin at the beginning which would be Lisa at http://handmadewithlove-lisa.blogspot.com/. If you arrived from http://scrappinginheels.blogspot.com/ then you are on the right path along our splash of color.

As promised another day! Another Creation! So today my little one and I worked the day away on these cute little valentine gifts for his class!  There are Pink ones for the Girls and Blue for the Boys.............And I made these using the sweetheart retired paper and  the Awesome New SuperHero Paper from close to my heart!  If you havn't seen it yet you have got to check it out!  It is the Most Fun!

Now if you have a fun Valentine's Party coming up and you want to make these little cuties this will be the most simple you've made!  I googled my sentiment that I wanted to say to get some ideas and found this on free printables!  Well it was already a card and you just had to print but of course that just would be to easy! And that won't do! LOL

So I printed it off and cut it out in the design I wanted and then attached it to my coordinating Paper I wanted to use........and trimmed those pieces to about a 4x4..............I Bagged up my s'more goodies.........one white and one pink heart marshmallow for everyone! And then I stapled My card with instructions to my baggie of yummo! and ;there you have it!  The gift of S'mores!  Love them!

Hope you liked it and and make sure you come back tomorrow!  I have an awesome project you won't want to miss!  So see you then!


The 11th day of February my true love gave to me--The Red, Black, Pink, and White Delight!

For those of you who are here expecting a BRAND NEW Project everyday.........I am very Sorry for letting you down the last two days...................I had a computer issue and was not able to post :(  I am all strait now though so be prepared to see some creations!  And I am glad you are here today because it is time for an awesome HOP!

Welcome my friends to the Red, Black, Pink, and White Delight Blog Hop....what great colors to work with and to design a Valentine's Day card or layout for a loved one, a friend, child, or just because!!! What this hop will help you with today is showcasing these colors and what can be made to help give you inspiration...!!!!!

If you just happened to be visiting me today, I'm glad that you are visiting but I wouldn't want you to miss one single stop along the way with our hop and would love for you to begin at the beginning which would be Lisa at http://handmadewithlove-lisa.blogspot.com/. If you arrived from http://scrappinginheels.blogspot.com/ then you are on the right path along our splash of color.

My Project for this week is with the sweetheart paper and is also hand stitched..............I love this page! And I love how soft it turned out!  Notice that I went very simple with the embellishements..........I will be adding some tags that I will share later :) When I have decided exactly what I want them to say!  I hope you like it!

Thank you so much for stopping today and visiting. I hope you have gotten some inspiration with my project and I must send you on your way to the next stop which is.........Kristen

Here is the complete line up in case you get lost!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The 7th day of February my true love gave to me........A Party Planner!

Is this not the cutest little party planner You've ever seen?  I used some CTMH Papers......all retired but you can still get similar ones!
I Put a P for Planner on mine but it would also be VERY cute with some one's initials.....

This is just a simple blank journal so that there is a lot of writing space so Really you could make any kind of a book that you want........and on projects like these I just love to put TONS of ribbons all around to really soften the look and polish it off!

For those of you who are just now joining our February Journey.......I am posting a new creation everyday this month................and for the person who shows me the most valentine love I will have a Sweetheart Packet at the end!

Also Remember to check me out For the Valentines Day Blog hop!   Red White Black and Pink!  I have some fun ready!

You know where to find me if you want any of the awesome new CTMH stuff or if you need to order the Newest Idea Book!  Now Give me a shout out~


Monday, February 6, 2012

On the 6th Day of February my True love Gave to me.....An Oreo Cookie!

So sorry Friends.........I know I am late getting todays post out!!!  I have a good excuse though!!!  Today is My Birthday!!!!  So I havn't done very much! LOL and It has been great!  But I didn't forget about you and as promised here is Creation Number 6!!!

This little cutie is of course CTMH papers and a LSHD pattern!  I kept it simple.........and embellished with nothing more then some Raffia!  Love the Stuff! 

Well short and sweet tonight I know!  But I have my party hat on and I have to run! LOL

Hope you like it and if you want any of these super awesome papers or embellies you know where to find me!!!

¸.• ´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•*Mickie*

Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Fifth day of February my True love gave to me...........TAGS!

I simply love tags!  They are so easy to make and yet so cute and personal!  It makes even the simplest gift seem personal! 

These cuties were both made with LSHD Patterns and of course CTMH Paper....Any paper will work on these whimsical tags.................whatever you're feeling like will make the perfect statement!  I challenge you to make more tags this year!!!

XOXO *´¨)
¸.• ´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•*Mickie*

Saturday, February 4, 2012

An Oldie But a Goodie!!!

 So I dug deap for an oldy but a goody today because I didn't want to disappoint but was out of the studio and didn't do any work.....family first you know!

But still I just love this sweet baby book............bo bunny chip board and CTMH papers!  So sweet.........I have left mine plain but I have also seen some very cute ones that were also filled to the brim with Pics!  Loved those too!

Well Good nite and see you tomorrow!
XOXO *´¨)
¸.• ´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•*Mickie*

Friday, February 3, 2012

Calling All Hearts!

Calling all hearts that are "Close to my Heart!"
Get it?  LOL

Ok..all jokes aside now.........here is another inspiration for you!!!  Because why?  It's Day three of February and I promised you one creation a day!

This page feels a bit undone to me.....You see I really want to use my black tape labeler for the labels on this page but I can not find it ANY WHERE!  So I decided instead of using something I knew I wasn't going to like as well I thought I would wait and finish when I find it.........so imagine if you will that there will be black tag scentiments through out!

So I started this page with plain white Cardstock....I really wanted to represent Clean Lines.....like love is pure :)

And my first vision was with Pink stitching but of course I could not find my Pink embroideries so I opted for Black which really gave it a nice contrast....don't you think?
 To help with my Sticthing I used my Handy Dandy Piercing tools! 

Don't leave home with out them!  And your edge distresser! LOL

For all of my distressing I still wanted it to look "clean" So I used my distresser but chose not to use any inks what so ever!  I know its risky! LOL

 I added a 3 inch strip of patterned paper...something dark....I used paper from the sweetheart collection! 

I used lighter patterned paper for the 4x6 photo....I used a 5x7 size piece so there will be plenty of boarder around the edges...but I might opt for a bigger photo too :)

Then I used the Cricut to cut the hearts......from three coordinating Sweetheart Papers and viola!

A very Simple Easy and Quick Project for your Valentines Pics!

Stop back and see what I have for you tomorrow :)

I almost forgot that I will have a drawing at the end of the Month!  The Person who has left me the most comments this month........which I love to read -- Will win this giveaway........and if there is not a clear winner, then we will draw for a winner!  So show me some love!

XOXO *´¨)
¸.• ´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•*Mickie*

Thursday, February 2, 2012

I'm Sweet On you!

I'm Sweet on You!!!!!!

Well if you are back for more today then you must have heard that February is a big month around here!!!  My Birthday, My Anniversary, and Valentines day!!!!  Woo Hoo!

So as promised during the month of February I will post a new creation for you EVERY single day!  That's right!  I said EVERY day!

Also I will be doing some fun contests and challenges, drawings, and sweet specials!!!


If you were here yesterday, then you got in on my first creations of the month!  If not you'll find that post below!

Now let's kick this thing off right!  Since it is the month of love how about a 6x6 Valentines day card that is so Pink and so Sweet....that it give you a toothache?? LOL......

I used paper from the That's Amore Collection which is now retired however another super sweet paper that would work for projects like these is The Sweetheart Collection which is now a SPEACIAL price at $3.00!!!

Start with a 6 x 12 piece of off white paper....if you are using the Sweet Heart Collection it would be your white daisy cardstock :)

Use your bone folder to really crease the seam of your card making a 6 x 6 card

Then take a darker pink shade of cardstock......I used Tulip and trim it to a 5 x 5

For the scalloped edging I used a corner rounder.................Corner Rounder Secret...take the corner edge off of your corner rounder to make semi circle punches!

Tack that to your card face right in the center.

Next take a lighter shade  B&T Duos®  and trim it to a 4 1/2 x 4 1/2 and distress the edges before tacking it on....I used Tulip ink for all of my distressing on this project.

The lacy heart print is on Tulip cardstock and cut using my Cricut Expression and Home Decor Cricut Cartridge......which is a pretty basic cartridge and probably if you have a cricut you have this cartridge :)  Be careful removing this from your mat as it is fragile.....

The cupcake is a pattern from Little Scraps Of Heaven.......I cut this with my cricut as well using the same coordinating papers and then colored the frosting with Glitz Gel.

I topped it off with a sparkle on the heart, and a tag with the Sentiment....Sweet on You!  The tag came from My Stickease Amore...........but any tag would work!

Now if you want to make this cutie............but do not have access to a cricut fear not! 
 Contact Me for a pre cut kit! $5.00

Ok....that's all I have for today but stop back tomorrow for some thing new!  New Creation, New How too, New fun!!

And since it is the month of love.......feel free to show me some!

XOXO *´¨)
¸.• ´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•*Mickie*